
Online ISSN 2653-4983
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J.A. Tuszynski, R. R. Poznanski, P. Singh, A. Pattanayak, L.A. Cacha, M.A. Jalil, M. Thabet, T. Dutta, and A. Bandyopadhyay (2022). The archetypal molecular patterns of conscious experience are quantum analogs. Journal
of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(1), 41-53. https://doi.org/10.56280/1531676736
The archetypal molecular patterns of conscious
experience are quantum analogs
We define quantum analogs as vibrational excitations of quasiparticles coupled to electromagnetically-mediated resonance energy transfer in water (a crystal lattice). This paper addresses how neural magnetic resonance spectra of the brain’s magnetic field influence dipolar oscillation waves in crystal lattices of interfacial water molecules to produce correlates of phenomenal consciousness. We explore dipolar oscillation waves in hydrophobic protein cavities of aromatic amino acids as a conduit for coherent propagation of vibrational excitation and hydrogen bond distortion associated with phase coherence present in the magnetic field intensity oscillations at a frequency at which the energy switches from its trapped form as excited phonon states to free, cavity-mode magnetic field energy states. A quasi-polaritons that reflect “hydro-ionic waves” is a macroscopic quantum effect of crystal lattice vibrations, consisting of vibron polaritons coupled to ions across the neocortex, except the cerebellum, due to the absence of protein-protein interactions. They are quantum-like at the core and hence can exhibit quantum-like signaling properties when resonant energy is transferred as dipolar waves in hydrophobic protein cavities of aromatic amino acids. This is due to aromatic residue flexibility in molecular electromagnetic resonances. Finally, the archetypal molecular patterning of conscious experiences, which carries an inherent ambiguity necessary for non-contextually applying ‘meaning’ that encompasses cognitive signatures of conscious experience, satisfies the nature of quantum analogs and their transmutative properties.
Keywords: Electromagnetic resonance; energy transfer; interfacial water molecules; quasi-polariton; conscious experience; hydroionic wave; phonons; dipolar oscillations
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest
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