
Online ISSN 2653-4983

Article Submission
The Submission file must be Full-Paper written in ENGLISH
Please attach relevant documents if necessary. We will contact you as soonest possible.

Instructions on the paper
submission to JMN
We encourage authors to incorporate the manuscript text and figures into a single Microsoft Word file. Suitably high resolution figures may be inserted within the text at appropriate positions or grouped at the end. Each figure legend should be presented on the same page as its figure.
We can accept LaTeX files at the acceptance stage, but before then please supply compiled Word file with informative abstract, the figures and tables in the text. DO NOT submit as a Pdf file or as an html file. Once the paper has been accepted and has been through the copy-editing process an email will be sent to the corresponding author. Submit your paper to the chief.editor@neuralpress.org

It is highly recommended that all authors publishing in Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience obtain an ORCID identifier number to increase visibility of your academic, scientific work.