
Online ISSN 2653-4983
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Some aspects of bidomain modeling with volume conductors
Roman R. Poznanski (2024). Some aspects of bidomain modeling with volume conductors. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(2) 139-144 DOI: https://doi.org/10.56280/1628864189
The concept of dynamic multiscaling has changed our approach to multi-neuronal cable theory. Previously, computational neuroscientists considered individual neurons as neural masses or compartmental models, but now a distributed representation of single neurons as ionic cable structures is most likely to lead to a greater understanding of how the distribution of ionic channels and synaptic input along the dendrites of a few neurons can offset the collective behavior of a large ensemble of neurons and, therefore, provide a measure of the dynamical brain. This change in perspective forms the basis of volume conductor-bidomain modeling, a new method that captures multiscalar electrophysiology.
Keywords: Multiscalar electrophysiology; neuropil; volume conductor; bidomain model; Nernst-Planck equations; ionic diffusion; field potentials, ionic cable theory
Conflict of Interest
The author declares that he was an editorial board member of JMN, at the time of submission. This had no impact on the peer review process and the final decision.
This article belongs to the Special Issue
Dynamic Multiscaling in Neuroscience
Lead Editor: Dr. Nicolangelo Iannella
University of Oslo, Norway
Copyright: © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Neural Press.
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