
Online ISSN 2653-4983
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From Integrative Neuroscience to Multiscale Neuroscience
R.R. Poznanski (2022). From integrative neuroscience to multiscale neuroscience. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(1), i. https://doi.org/10.56280/1532077030
Why multiscale neuroscience and not multilevel neuroscience? Scales are a more neutral description than levels and refer to dimensions and boundaries instead of distinct forms of organization. The concept of level can denote a main or privileged level of the experiment's focus. Some of the levels occur at different scales, yet there is no central or privileged level. This is essential in forging a multiscale approach in neuroscience to move from the “old” integrative viewpoint on how the brain operates across the scale based on “function”. The notion of "function" alone is outdated without knowing how the brain produces various types of information at various scales. Although ‘boundary conditions’ set the limits of scale mathematically, they also give new information that leads to a better understanding of processes at different scales organized by the whole. The brain is rich in information, and therefore its integration would reduce the brain to a computer. The gist of JMN is to elucidate nonTuring computation and discover the essence of what makes brains conscious. Hence, we are moving from integrative neuroscience to multiscale neuroscience by closing the explanatory gap.
Keywords: Editorial
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