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Volume 3 Issue 4 ( December 2024)


Multiscalar Brain Adaptability in AI Systems

Shantipriya Parida


The advent of Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed creative and analytical landscapes, leveraging vast datasets to produce sophisticated outputs with remarkable efficiency. Despite these advancements, human judgment and adaptability remain indispensable for navigating complex, dynamic, and context-sensitive environments. This special issue and its collection of papers explored the interplay between human cognition, AI, and consciousness, emphasizing how the brain’s multiscale adaptability can inform the development of conscious AI systems. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is at the core of this exploration, which seeks to emulate human cognitive flexibility, reasoning, and learning within computational paradigms. While AGI excels in predefined tasks, it falters in managing uncertainty and unpredictability. 



The illusion of intrinsic meaning: reassessing conscious experience

Thomas W. Loker


The illusion of intrinsic meaning in predictive coding through cognitive artifacts to minimize prediction errors points toward a functionalist attempt at understanding conscious experience. It examines how conscious experience functions in predictive coding and symbolic cognition systems within the brain. We argue that conscious experience emerges from the need to construct coherent narratives for survival and decision-making by addressing recent developments in diverse fields like cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. Additionally, the paper explores the implications for artificial intelligence, suggesting that artificial systems could develop analogous cognitive artifacts through predictive models without subjective awareness, contributing to a functionalist understanding of consciousness and further advancing the discussion on the nature of conscious experience in biological and artificial systems.


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The ‘hidden’ structure of uncertainties unfolding through poststructural dynamics of the entropic brain

R.R. Poznanski and E. Alemdar


A new approach attempts to express the poststructural dynamics of the entropic brain in terms of the ‘hidden’ structure of uncertainties.  It highlights the importance of understanding how consciousness operates within a functional system approach that appropriately considers changeable boundary conditions through functional interactions. The causality is sought in boundary conditions when uncertainty reduction becomes an act of understanding as a course of action that navigates the multiscale landscape of potentialities. Motion through the multiscale landscape continuously changes uncertainties into intentionalities via ‘multiscale redundancy.’ In the multiscale version of the entropic brain, the ‘hidden’ structure of uncertainties unfolding through the poststructural dynamics occurring at different locations, levels, and times that instantly actualize through intermittent interactions as precognitive experienceabilities and combine into a global resonance before returning to spontaneous potentiality. The entropic brain is the ‘hidden’ structure of uncertainties unfolding through poststructural dynamics in the transition from potentialities to intentionalities, giving form to action via quantum potential energy and then motion via quantum kinetic energy through new information pathways.


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​The elemental intelligence of the cosmos and the scale invariance of universal consciousness: role of AI in the fate

of our universe

Dirk K. F. Meijer & Franco Ivaldi


In this article an analysis is carried out on the basic mechanisms inherent in the functioning of the living and conscious Universe, that seems permeated by an intrinsic intelligence. In this scenario, a primordial acoustic quantum code in the form of BSE-condensed polaron field is assumed to provide the conditions for the guided formation of the cosmos in which also Gravity and Dark energy forces were created. As to the latter, we submit that primordial proton/ electron composite units, covered with multiple phonons (forming quasi-particles), exhibit internal attractive and external repulsive features, thereby generating the forces of gravity and anti-gravity (dark energy). Our earlier results indicate that the frequency pattern of the “Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence” is fully in line with recently reported frequency values for cosmic gravitational waves, as well as for oscillations of ZPE field, at the macro-scale. With regard to brain function, at the micro-scale, interestingly, an almost perfect frequency fit of our algorithm was revealed for brain microtubular oscillations. These results on neuronal signaling, numerically support the Orch-OR consciousness theory. The present ...

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