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R. Poznanski (2022) From Integrative Neuroscience to Multiscale Neuroscience


Alfredo Pereira  and Vinícius Jonas de Aguiar (2022) Sentiomics: The identification and analysis of dynamical patterns that characterize sentience.


R. R. Poznanski, L.A. Cacha, J. Holmgren and E. J. Brändas and  (2022)  What a feeling - the underpinnings of physical feelings as molecular level holonomic effects.


J.A. Tuszynski1, R. R. Poznanski, P. Singh, A. Pattanayak, L.A. Cacha3, M.A. Jalil, M. Thabet and A. Bandyopadhyay (2022)   The archetypal molecular patterns of conscious experience are quantum analogs


L.A. Cacha and R. R. Poznanski (2022)  Neuronal circuits of stress and their dynamic interactions: a biopsychological framework


G. Goodman, R.R. Poznanski, L.A. Cacha and D. Bercovich (2022)  Geomagnetism came first: Implications for animal translocation and the two-brains hypothesis  


Zhang Sumei, Hao Xinxin and Chen Xuan (2022). A case study of Kleine-Levin syndrome with  decreased intracranial pressure in adolescent female. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(2), 77-82


​Ying Zhou, Henry C. Tuckwell and Nicholas J. Penington (2022). Reduced modeling of pacemaker spiking in dorsal raphe nucleus and locus coeruleus neurons. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(2), 83-95. 


 Zhang Sumei, Hao Xinxin and Chen Xuan (2022).An interesting case of combined central & peripheral demyelination with antibodies against paranodal protein neurofascin 186. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(2),96-101


R. R. Poznanski, E. Alemdar, L.A. Cacha, V.I. Sbitnev  and E. J. Brändas (2022). The activity of information in biomolecular systems: a fundamental explanation of holonomic brain theory. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(2), 109-133


Zhang Sumei, Hao Xinxin and Chen Xuan (2022). A Case of anti-Yo antibody positive subacute cerebellar degeneration presenting as acute cerebrovascular disease in an undiagnosed breast cancer patient. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(2), 102-108 


Xiaoxia Wu, Lei Ding, Neng Chen and Lijuan Gao (2022). Effect of early morning awakening in major depressive disorder  Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 1(2), 133-139

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Michael J. Spivey (2023)  Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on the Mind and the Brain: A Multiscale Interpretation of Cognitive Brain Functionality


T.W. Nichols, M.H. Berman and J.A. Tuszynski (2023)  Is Alzheimer’s disease a manifestation of brain quantum decoherence resulting from mitochondrial and microtubular deterioration?


E. Alemdar, R. R. Poznanski, L.A. Cacha, G. Leisman and E. J. Brändas (2023)  New insights into holonomic brain theory: implications for active consciousness


J. B. Falandays, R. O. Kaaronen, C. Moser, W. Rorot, J. Tan, V. Varma, T. Williams, and M. Youngblood (2023)  All intelligence is collective intelligence


S. F. Corbin, C.H. Moore, T. Davis, K. Shockley and T. Lorenz (2023)  Multiscale kinematics of action intention


Tadhg Waddington  and  Ramesh Balasubramaniam (2023)  Multiscale approaches to music and the embodied brain


Luis H. Favela (2023)  Nested dynamical modeling of neural systems: A strategy and Some Consequences


Michael Silberstein (2023)  Multiscale contextual emergence of neural dynamics, cognition, and action


Benjamin Nguyen and Michael J. Spivey (2023)  Temporary disruption in language processing reflected as multiscale temporal discoordination in a recurrent network


Michael J. Spivey (2023)  On multiscale analyses of neural processing, motor movement, and cognition


Roman R.  Poznanski, Jan Holmgren, Lleuvelyn A. Cacha, Eda Alemdar and Erkki J.

Brändas (2023)  The act of understanding uncertainty is consciousness.


Henry C. Tuckwell (2023)  An important new chapter in Neuroscience. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 2(2), 292-313.


Gerry Leisman (2023)  On brain criticality in the context of resonance.  


Jaime F. Cárdenas-García  (2023)  Infoautopoiesis and Consciousness.


Sabato Scala (2023)  The Superfluid Vacuum and the neural nature of the Universe.


Nicolangelo L. Iannella and Roman R.  Poznanski  (2023)  Backpropagation and repetitive discharge of sodium spikes in sparsely excitable dendrites.




R.R. Poznanski,  L.A. Cacha,  V. Sbitnev,  N. Iannella,  S. Parida,  E.J. Brändas & J.Z Achimowicz  (2024).  Intentionality for designers of machine understanding. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(1), 1-12.


P. Singh, J. S. Manna, P. Dey, S. Sarkar, A. Pattanayak, S. Nag, S. Pramanik, K. Saxena, S. D. Krishnananda, T. Dutta & A. Bandyopadhyay  (2024).  Dodecanogram (DDG): advancing EEG technology with a high-frequency brain activity measurement device.. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(1), 13-26. 


H.G. Callaway (2024). Putnam and Dennett on instrumentalism and the intentional stance.  Journal  of   Multiscale   Neuroscience  3(1), 27-35.


Erkki J. Brändas  (2024).  Cognitive paradoxes and brain mechanisms. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(1) 36-52.


Oliwia Szymanowicz, Sandra Pawlak, Ewelina Potocka, Wojciech Kozubski and Jolanta Dorszewska  (2023). Molecular basis of dementia. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(1), 53-63


S. Zhang, F. Jia, X. Wang and X. Chen  (2024).  Consideration of intracranial venous thrombosis in cerebrovascular disease: a case study emphasizing diagnosis and treatment awareness. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(1), 64-67.


Roman R. Poznanski  (2024).   The dynamic organicity theory of consciousness: how consciousness arises from the functionality of multiscale complexity in the material brain. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(1), 68-87.    DOI:

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Henry C. Tuckwell (2024) Treatment of addictions with special reference to anorexia nervosa.  Journal  of   Multiscale   Neuroscience  3(2), 88-93      DOI:


Julia R. Higdon and Jonghoon Kang (2024) Principal component analysis on the effect of early morning awakening  in  major  depressive  disorder.   Journal  of   Multiscale   Neuroscience   3(2), 94-97.       



Roman R. Poznanski (2024) Some necessary constructs of consciousness as defined in the dynamic organicity theory. Journal  of   Multiscale   Neuroscience   3(2), 98-108.      



Bong Hyo Lee, Jonghoon Kang, Walker S. Lewis, Nam Jun Lee, Young S. Gwak (2024) The feasibility of acupuncture on post-spinal cord injury treatment.   Journal  of   Multiscale   Neuroscience   3(2), 109-129.          DOI:


Lleuvelyn A. Cacha (2024) Neurobehavioral perspectives into the autistic spectrum disorder. Journal  of   Multiscale   Neuroscience   3(2), 109-129.   DOI:


Roman R. Poznanski  (2024).  Some aspects of bidomain modeling with volume conductors.  Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 3(2) 120-125   DOI:

​S. Parida, E. Alemdar and R.R. Poznanski (2024) Quantum of information’ functionality as a measure of subjectivity beyond the capabilities of deep learning.  Journal  of   Multiscale   Neuroscience  3(2), 145-159 


Nicolangelo L. Iannella and Roman R. Poznanski (2024).  Spatial interactions impact on Ca-driven synaptic plasticity: An ionic cable theory perspective. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience  3(2)160-185.


​Elizaveta Lugovskaya, Giulia Codagnone, Ivan Sanavia, Silvia Rey, Vanessa Terranova, Marcello Miceli, Marco A. Deriu and Jack Adam Tuszynski  (2024).  Search  for  potential  Alzheimer  Disease  therapeutics: Identification of inhibitors of amyloid oligomerization with high affinity for the Zinc binding site.


Zhang Sumei, Zhang Xiuhong, Wang Xiaoli, Hao Xinxin, Bai Jiangyan, Zhao Liqiao  (2024). Relationship between serum metabolic indexes and immune   function in patients with insomnia and their mechanism.



Nancy J. Woolf and Jack A. Tuszynski (2024). Alzheimer’s disease: an aging-related gene expression disorder targeting proteins responsible for neuroplasticity.



Wang Zhongyu, Zhang Sumei and Shi Peipei (2024). A case of cerebral embolism associated with giant atrial myxoma. Journal  of  Multiscale   Neuroscience   3(3), 219-223       DOI:


R. R. Poznanski, J. Ali, N. Iannella & V. Sbnitnev (2024) Consciousness: a quantum optical effect in fluorescent protein pathways. Journal  of  Multiscale  Neuroscience  3(3), 224-241.      DOI:


Roumen Tsekov (2024)  A new pilot wave reinterpretation for quantum AI systems.   Journal of   Multiscale Neuroscience 3(3), 242-245.



Shantipriya Parida (2024). Multiscalar brain adaptability in AI systems. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience, 3(4):  246



Thomas W. Loker (2024). The illusion of  intrinsic meaning: reassessing conscious experience.. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience, 3(4): 246-262.



R.R. Poznanski and E. Alemdar (2025). The ‘hidden’ structure of uncertainties unfolding through poststructural dynamics of the entropic brain.. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience, 3(4): 264-273

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