
Online ISSN 2653-4983
The Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience (JMN) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that promotes multiscalar and interdisciplinary approach to neuroscience. The Journal aims to combine data across different scales of nervous system organization to better understand between-scale relationships of brain structure, function, and behavior in health and disease. The journal encourages transdisciplinary approaches in neuroscience to better understand higher brain functions. It covers topics in brain imaging, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, functional neurology, comparative neurology, cognitive sciences, artificial intelligence, and cellular and molecular neurosciences.

The Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience welcomes and publishes the following paper types:
Original Research
This is the most common type of journal manuscript. The Original Research format is suitable for many different fields and different types of studies. It includes full Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections, no less than 5 journal pages (about 5,000 words)-complete research findings where aims/hypotheses are fully addressed.
This is a comprehensive review of previously published research on a specific topic aligned with addressing the aims and hypothesis through the literature. They are often written by leaders in a particular discipline. Reviews are often widely read (for example, by researchers looking for a full introduction to a field) and highly cited. Reviews commonly cite approximately 100 primary research articles.
Perspective articles present a viewpoint on a specific area of investigation. They should provide the following: 1) Discuss current advances and future directions, 2) Clear presentation of the authors’ perspective, 3) Accurate presentation and citations of other authors’ work, 4) May include original data as well as personal insights and opinions. Perspective articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 3,000 and may contain no more than 2 Figures/Tables. Perspective articles should have the following format: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Subsections relevant for the subject, 4) Discussion.
Clinical Case Report
A case report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient in medicine. Case reports may contain a patient's demographic profile but usually describe an unusual or novel occurrence. Some case reports also contain a literature review of other reported cases. Case reports are professional narratives that provide feedback on clinical practice guidelines and offer a framework for early signals of effectiveness, adverse events, and cost. They can be shared for medical, scientific, or educational purposes.
Letter to the Editor
We welcome readers to submit formal comments on the content of articles published in JMN. Such comments should provide constructive scientific remarks. Readers may submit these comments as a Letter to the Editor, which should be concise, no more than 500 words, and we will transmit them to the author(s) of the commented-upon paper for their optional reply.
A commentary is a narrowly focused article of contemporary interest to a newly published article, it is short, usually around 1000-1,500 words, that draw attention to a controversial research area or present criticism of a specific area of investigation in the form of a mini review.
Short Communication
Short communications are reports of preliminary research that allow for further investigation to advance the research question. Often these reports will only be published if there is a clear advancement that merits further investigations.
Brief Report
Brief Reports are short papers falling under 5000 words but not preliminary research.
Editorials are opinion articles from the editor or an invited author. When submitted by an invited contributor, editorials may introduce the subject being brought into focus in a special issue or thematic section. Editorials may comment on one or more articles in the same JMN issue or on an area of current interest in multiscale neuroscience. They should be brief and focused. Editorials should not exceed 1,000 words, 15 references, and 1 table or figure. Editorials may have a maximum of 3 authors. The body of the Editorial can be continuous text or divided into subsections. There is no abstract. Editorials on topics of current interest are welcome.